DCJ Digital Design System

In-page navigation

In-page navigation helps users scan and navigate to content on the page quickly. It can act as a table of contents on pages with lengthy content, allowing the user to jump to a specific section on the page.  The in-page navigation will auto create links based on the heading level 2 on your page.

Refer to NSW Digital Design System - In-page navigation for full guidance and demonstration on how and when to use this.


A screenshot of the in-page navigation component with red labels to describe its feature.
Labels: 01 anchor links, 02 highlights bar.


In-page navigation appears below the page title and introduction.


  • Your website's primary brand colour or a brand accent colour will be applied to the highlights bar.

DCJ authoring guidelines

  • The in-page navigation cannot be customised and will auto create links based on the headings on your page. 
  • Only Heading 2s are shown as the anchor links. 

Page type

In-page navigation can only be used on:

  • content pages.

It cannot be used on:

  • homepage
  • campaign pages
  • landing pages
  • Easy Read
Last updated:

11 Jul 2024